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See the latest product updates for CodeSnap.
July 22, 2024
⭐ New Dev Icons

Added new icons for C, C++ and C#:

May 21, 2024
🛠️ Custom Dimensions

You can now enter any custom dimension for the container element:

March 11, 2024
📝 Text Element Presets

You can now choose one of the presets for the text element:

March 4, 2024
🔢 Improvements For Line Numbers

Some important styling improvements for line numbers in code blocks.

You can now change the first line number in code blocks.

January 20, 2024
🤑 Lifetime Deal

You can now purchase the Pro plan once and use it forever. Upgrade now!

Additionally, I added more themes & languages for the code blocks.

December 18, 2023
🎨 New Color Picker

Added a new color picker component to provide a better usability.

December 13, 2023
📜 Onboarding Setup

I added an onboarding setup. You should complete these steps to get the most out of CodeSnap.

December 1, 2023
🥳 Integrated Designer

This is the biggest release in the history of CodeSnap.

You can now create visually engaging infographics within the editor.

October 9, 2023
🆘 Chat Widget

If you are logged in, you can now use the chat widget for customer support.

August 4, 2023
⌘ Command Palette

Press ⌘ + K to open the command palette and quickly change the theme, language, etc. of your snippet.

July 20, 2023
💬 Added More Code Languages

We now support a lot more code languages and show a better display name for them.

July 18, 2023
🎨 Editor Presets

It's now possible to create custom presets

July 10, 2023
ℹ️ Share Feedback

You can now share feedback from within the editor.

July 4, 2023
🚀 Ember Language Support

We now support Glimmer syntax highlighting. Glimmer components are the new format which power Ember.js.

June 29, 2023
🚀 Faster Snippets Page & Refactoring

Drastically improved loading of Snippets page

Reworked keyboard shortcuts, you can show them in editor by pressing +k

Rearranged keyboard shortcut button in editor & added report problem button

March 16, 2023
🧹 Reset Snippet

Added a shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+F to reset the current snippet to default values.

It's also available as icon in the top bar in the editor.

March 11, 2023
🏆 Simplified Sidebar

Combined previous "Quick" and "Advanced" controls in sidebar into a single one.

Additionally, a lot of nasty bugs were eliminated in the application.

March 9, 2023
🎨 Brandbird Integration

Integrated BrandBird to create stunning visuals of your snippets. Try it yourself by clicking the "Designer" button in the editor.

February 7, 2023
🐛 Fixed Bug For Missing Line Numbers

Line numbers are now correctly shown in exported images. Previously exported images in Chrome always showed "0" for every line.

February 7, 2023
💬 Changelog

Added this changelog page to document new features & important bug fixes.

LogoCodeSnapAn image editor for developers, who want to share beautiful images of their code© 2024 All rights reserved.Created with ♥ by Michael Hoffmann